If anyone has any experience with running Bild-a-Loco motors, I’d appreciate input.
My #384 runs bea-u-tifully! but, after about four laps around the loop, the thumb screws holding the center-rail pick-up plate loosen up and let the plate drop just enough to break connection with the power contact on the motor frame, causing the engine to reverse at speed and then stop entirely.
Any suggestions on keeping the thumbscrews tight? I have considered LocTite, but I don’t want to create a new problem if/when I have to remove the plate for servicing.
The method I used for access screws was some kind of hard wax, like the beeswax used to seal railroad-watch cases.
To loosen the plate, you heat it with a small soldering iron or heat gun/hair dryer until the wax softens, then unscrew as normal (using gloves or a tool like pliers if necessary).
Heat also softens some types of Loctite-style threadlocker, even the “permanent” tyoe,
I have had the same problem with postwar Lionel, brush plate screws vibrating loose.
There are 2 Loctite formulas;
a Red Loctite that is permanent
a blue Loctite that is removable
I use the blue Loctite. It holds, but can still be removed as needed.
Thanks for the input, folks. I’ll look into those options.
I tried the Blue LocTite, and it appears to be working. Many laps with no loosening yet.
Thanks, all!