Bingo!!what do you think?!?!

Hey guys and ladies =)

I was thinking i would attempt a scratchbuild structure. I will show the finished result.

Ok here goes. Whoever would like to suggest a simple structure for me to attempt just post a pic and the 1 i pick first i will attempt to build and ill post pictures, it cant be some huge structure because im a beginner but feel free to suggest. I have been advised to try something like an outhouse or a shed near the switches.

anyway i have an idea and lots of inspiration so show your building ideas!!!

I will post pics of the structure and maybe a step by step.

many thanks


go to Bars Mills web site,take one of their shack pack buildings, simple idea for a scratch build

hey nice site=)

any one else got any suggestions?

A small, trackside structure showing signs of long use and deferred maintenance, like a transfer shed with a team track dock. Simple, but with plenty of opportunity to try many different techniques in construction and weathering. And it will fit on ANY layout! Who can’t use a small trackside structure on their layout?

Darrell, quiet…for now

i think a small shed with a long sign pole and wood planks and gas containers
and any other items.

anything else i should do with my shed?

ok i have started it. it does not look to promising but it is early stages. it is roughly ho of maybe i little bigger

its is a small shed 3cm*4cm roughly.

im a bit confused as to how i detail the outer wall on this? i was thinking maybe a pen tip or something could be used to make the outer wall look like wood panels… common guys any suggestions onthat? im going to post pics.

what is a good example or better yet where can i find a good pic of a trackside shed?

many thanks


What are you using for building materials are you using? Wood, styrene? The mateial will impact the tecniques you use to weather the structure. There is a “Weatheri or Not” in the “Craftsman Corner” section on the “” forum that are very interesting. he plus is that there a a number of structures to look at that may be of help in deciding on the structure to build, and some sources for windows etc.
Good luck, and have fun!

P.S. edited to give better directions to the “Weather or Not” section.

ok im using balsa mainly

May I also suggest an N scale dog house, complete with water and food dish!!! I have seen many structures but very few dog houses. Ken

this is only a first model so im not paying much attention to scale, im just trying to learn techniques… is this advisable?

If your into or want to try doing a truly scratch built kit. You can buy pre-formed wood strips that represents siding. Grandt Lines makes a line of window frames for different style homes.

As for kits, try the following

Blair line


hmmm… where can i fond info about these pre formed strips?

and guys thanks for the help

Try these guys (my LHS) They sell a fair bit of scratch materials as they also sell to the local technical college. Ask for Mike.


thanks =)

almost finished. i will post pictures of the first mini structure (my practice one) on the guage ,com

i found a neat way to do the corrugated roof.

all you need is pva glue, paper and water. also paint and ink and toothpicks

.1 lay toothpicks in dirrection of corrugation and glue the toothpicks onto roof.

soak paper in a bit of water and pva. then lay across the toothpicks. it will form i nice corrugation that can be painting black, then silver and then ink for rust.

if this is not clear you will see the corrugations on my pic. it is not a big structure but it shows the technique. i hope this helps. you can also use torn boxes with there corragation


That is not scratch building; it is assembling a kit that someone else supplied prepared material. Scratchbuilding means taking basic material such as sheet styrene, basswood, wood or plastic strips, cardboard, etc. and making your own structure. Cutting our walls, windows, doors, roofs, etc. by yourself, not having them laser cut for you.

There are many plans in the magazines, especially the olders ones. They are a great way to learn how to scratchbuild, as the authors have already figured out all of the steps.

Bob Boudreau

ok thanks i have been building so far from just my own balsa wood so it may not look as flashy but maybe it just might =)

i have had a simple plan in my head but slowly it keeps extending…i keep thinking all i have to do is "this or that"to finish it but it keeps growing lol. pics should be up tommorow but do not get your hopes up. it is hardly the empire state building!

The stuff sold at Maritime Hobbies is Bass wood, which is far superior and stronger. It actually be a Midwest product.



my structure is about finished.

you can read what i wrote at

many thanks


any suggestions on a bigger structure???

but not too big =)

i was thinking a single room engine house… other people should post pics here too so everyone can see each others creations…
