Birmingham, Alabama Layout

Can anyone help me with anything that has to do with the layout of rails in Birmingham, Alabama. Im looking to do a layout of the downtown/ruffner mountain area, then out to Port Birmingham. If anyone can help with any track plans for this i would be much oblidged.

Check out this sites online maps. It will have maps for all areas of Birmingham.

Oh, Can You Paint Me A Birmingham?[:D][:p][;)]

~[8]~ TrainFreak409 ~[8]~

I live in the Birmingham area. Maybe I can help. Shoot me an email.

Texansoldier, check out this web site. It’s loaded with Birmingham RR info.

If you go to the MR club " The Wrecking Crew" web site they model the area you are talking about. They are presently located at West Lake Mall in Bessemer and have one of the best layouts I’ve seen. Look at the list of members and go to Carey Jenkins web site to send him an email. He is an expert in this area and has been a modeler for 35 years.

Also, if you want a good map of the of the B’ham railroads, go to:
Download their demo map and it will cover the Southeastern U.S. You can zoom in on a city block of B’ham.

Hope this is some help.
REX (Tuscaloosa)