I remember way back in the late 60’s when I was taking a college course, the prof. said that statistically, the class would have at least ONE birthday in every month. There were 32 people in the class, so I figured that, “no way” could every month be covered with only 32 people, that would be only 37.5% chance. Well, I was wrong. Every month was covered.
Now we have many more forum members, so every month WILL be spoken for, but I thought it would be interesting to see which month has the most MRR BD’s. Hey, it might come under some astrological sign !!!

Didn’t we just do this? As Yogi said Deja vu all over again.
April for me.

November, November, etc etc etc. As you can tell mines in November.

Email me, I’ll tell you my address, send me something nice!!


Yep, a couple of weeks ago. Or was it last year?


So! What are you getting ME?[:D]

I could have sworn we just did this in November. December is my month. I could use a CabForward for my birthday and a Challenger for Christmas.[:D] Not really. The information here is worth more than the two combined. Happy New Year.

June 17th, just send any P2K’s

December 10. Too damn close to Christmas! Give me trains for my birthday and money for Christmas and I’ll go out and get my own Christmas present, choo-choo!

January 6, my gift was some ca***o spend on trains.

Hey *** mines september I would like some shinny new streetcars for my birthday(since your buying)[:D][:X][swg] Rob

March will be the biggest cause all them June weddings. Do the math. And for my present I take steam or diesel.

Happy Birthday Pete.


Mine’s the 27th. Cash is fine but could you send it a week early? Might find something to spend it on at GATS K.C.[:D]

Sorry guys- brain fade again. January 27th!

Mine’s coming up in March…I will gladly take flex track (code 83), decoders, anything GM&O…You get the picture ! [bday]

do they make a Fool-Proof soldering iron? Guess who we can it for?

November 26th here - noticed that most of the responses seem to be for winter months, wondering if there’s a link between the birthday month and the hobby - maybe people with birthdays in winter tend to be bought “indoor” stuff like trains? Just a thought!

My BD is coming up January 26th, I don’t need a soldering iron, but, I know a certain Capricon that needs one, anyone care to guess WHO?

November 19 is mine and we did this in December. [:)]

What’s a Birthday? I stopped counting those after I pass the age of 50.[;)]