Never thought about this till now, this Model Railroading thing I just assumed meant HO gauge only, OK a few other odd gauges also ! ! but what about 027, (lionel type stuff) why do I not see submissions to the forum here? is it not considered a hobby?? I’m sure there are thousands of 027 layouts around, where do they gather on the internet??? are they considered toy trains? and npt worthy of this forum, OR is there a site for only 027 people? BTW I’m HO only.
Hi there
O-27 lionel falls under the Classic Toy Trains Magazine & forum.
I am there & here. I have multi scales.
You have Z,N,HO,OO, Oscale 2rail , On30, Sn3, Hon3 here. any thing two rail is here.
Classic toy trains has 3rail O, in o-27 & Standard O, MTH Premier, MTH RailKing, S-SGAUGE, and STANDARD GAUGE .
I hope this helps .
Have a great train day.
While there are model railroad layouts in O Scale many are considered toy train layouts. These belong in the Classic Trains forum.
Most of those inquiries are usually submitted over on the Classic Toy Train forum.
I’m in HO as well. But don’t forget about our many n scale friends here. I wouldn’t call them an odd gauge. [:-^]
No, not a bizarre question, but a very basic one. There are many scales in Model Railroading, and each scale has its own ratio to the full size item that is modeled. Thus O scale is at a ratio of 1:48 – a twelve inch ruler represents 48 feet in O scale. HO is 1:87, and N scale which is also very popular is 1:160, at least in the USA it is. Other scales include Z, TT, S, F scale, Number 1 scale and so on. I am grossly over simplifying here.
Don’t confuse scale with gauge, which is the width between rails.
True scale models in O scale at at 1:48, but Lionel trains are with a few wonderful exceptions not generally exact scale models although some come very close. Most Lionel trains that run on Lionel O track are slightly undersized, and often very much shortened such as the Lionel GG1 electric locomotive.
0-27 is not really a scale or a gauge, but a name for a line of popular toy trains from Lionel (and Marx and some other makes) that featured track just as wide as their O line, but with even smaller bodies for locomotives and cars. Many pieces of rolling stock for 0-27 are closer to S scale (1:64 ratio) in size, again except for the gauge of the track which is as wide as the Lionel O track. O-27 takes its name from the 27"curve that the track can make – a tighter curve than Lionel O track. The track is a little less bulky than O.
The reason not much is said about 0-27 on the Model Railroader part of the forums is that 0-27 are not scale models, but toy trains, and Classic Toy Trains has its own forum on this website. Lots of folks on that forum would know all about 0-27 trains.
Any Lional 0-27 train can run on their full O track, although not all Lionel O trains can handle the tight 0-27 curves. Andn if you saw an 0-27 boxcar next to a Lionel 6464 boxcar meant for their full O line, you’d immediately see how much smaller 0-27 is. Similarly if you put the Lionel
Yep, just like what everone else has said, there is a Kalmbach site/forum for that. Check the link on the very top of the page, either the community one or the sites, and you’ll see all the forums and web sites from Kalmbach. Once you log into this MRR forum, you have logged into all of them, so take your pick, and post away!