Blackpool Pantograph car

Here are some pictures of my latest scratchbuilt tram
This one has been built using 3 pictures and my little trusty G scale figure.I built this for my dad as it is his favourite tram but it has been difficult to build.I have never seen a real one of these so there a probably loads of bits missing ,and also I really don’t like the style of it.Hard to keep going with it.
It’s not completely finished.It still has to have its number on the front and the Blackpool crest on the side.I have posted it quick as after my mini war with you-know-who I’ll probably be exiled on Monday by Rene and Bergie.(sorry for all the fuss Rene)(but I did enjoy it [:-^] )
This can be my goodbye to everyone.
The destination blind indicates Fleetwood.This is right next door to Kimbrit.
He gets to see these trundle up and down the roads all the time.
Ignore the scale figure man.He loves to show off in front of the camera.

Thanks everyone,Smoke me a kipper,I’ll be back for breakfast.

Do both set of trucks run the tram??? or just one. i have what they call a mister rogers trolly and i’m going to put a little critter motor in , i think it will fit. I must send for it next week. Only one motor will fit in. ben

Hello Ben,
Usually on the trams I use 2 motors.However one of these motors had a siezed bearing.I took all the bits out and left it unpowered.Runs fine on one.I’m going to take one of the motors out of one of my double deck trams to see if they also will run with one.If so,I’ve got loads of spare motors.
A little critter motor will be fine for what you want to do.Unfortunately everything in the UK costs so much we have to be frugal.

Troy, another work of art!

Ben, can’t wait to see pics of your trolley.

Nice one mate, lot of time and effort in that one. I expected to see a full size tram when you said your dads tram was ready, I thought he had finished renovating another one! Oops. You’re quite right about seeing them all the time, loads of trams out on todays bike ride. Lovely stuff.

More of the nice work that that you crank out with such regularity. Thanks for sharing it.

I missed this one! Another great job!

When do we get to see the scale model city they run thru [8D][:D][;)]

Troy, that tram rocks! When can we buy one???[:p][:p][:p][:p][:p]



When I’ve built the trams I want and the big diesels that my sons want then I’m stuck.
Then I will start building for other people.The things they want but can’t buy.

“The things they want but can’t buy.”

From the things I’ve read here and on other forums, in your neck of the woods that would be any large scale British profile steam or deisel locomotives from 1830 to today! Your gonna be a busy boy![;)][:D]

Seriously, doesnt it make you wonder why someone hasnt produced affordable GR British profile locos outside of those two Island of Sodar ones? I know there are pricey brass ones but sheesh, giving the potential market?

Troy might just up and quit his day job![:p][:0]

It does seem odd Vic.I think one of the reasons is that the garden and steam railway modelling thing has been going for absolutely years in the UK.People have managed to fabricate their own things because they have to.G scale doesn’t seem to be widespread here.
Matt—not yet!
Everyone at the moment is trying to get me to take one of my models to the international festival of tramways exhibition.I think not!
I really don’t think I have reached that standard yet.To have thousands of modelling experts picking holes is more than I could bear.

Supposedly Aristo is going to model a British profile GE export model next year. Perhaps we’re seeing a shift?

Troy, take’em. Even if they pick holes all over them, those comments can be used for details you might not have thought about before, besides, from some of the models I’ve seen win prizes, your look right up there.

Troy, Do it !! and embrace critisim as encourgement for improvement, that’s one of the reason I encourge people to comment when I post a picture. In the long run it just makes us all better modelers.

Now my Dad’s tram is finished.They did a wonderful job of restoring her.
Dad kept kicking me 'cause the London tram is one of my favourites.
Don’t trust the two blokes standing in front of it though!

Well it is classified as a ‘railcoach’

Nice work! The photographs were interesting, too. Shame on you for your comment about the men in front of the trams. Everyone over sixty five is honest , kind and trustworthy. By the way, why is your latest tram called a ‘’ pantograph" car? It sure looks like it draws power from a trolley pole, not a pantograph.

The tramcars were built with a very obvious tower to hold the pantograph.
I think they were going to be called 'Pullman Cars’after the US interurban cars of about the same time.
The towers have survived at Blackpool and are a feature of many of the trams.
The pictures I modelled the tram from had a ‘pole’
This particular tram has survived to this day (with a pole! )
I really don’t know why some trams had ‘pole or pantograph’
I could look it up,but then so could somebody else!
I like what I model,and don’t pretend to be an expert with information which is readily available.I’m very wary about mentioning various trams to my Dad.
Information overload.My eyes glaze over.But he does have some wonderful stories of saving and restoring loads of vehicles.
And Bob.One of those dubious looking blokes is me[:)]
Whilst my Dad maybe happy to be diagnosed as 65,I’m only 40
I’ve just inherited his hair colour[:)]
