Has anyone purchased or even seen the unlettered versions of these cars? They say they are painted silver, but are they “plated” the way the lettered are discribed? HELP!
I have only the lettered cars but I can only assume that the unlettered versions are just that… unlettered. I’m sure the “plating” finish is the same for ALL cars in the series.
I think the plating is a pretty good representation of bare stainless steel, a lot nicer than the silver paint that plastic models have featured in the past.
Is there a reason you don’t want the plating??
I have two sets of them. They are plated the same way the lettered versions are. I presume they are using “painted silver” in the generic way meaning they aren’t bear plastic. I have NOT however tried to decal any of mine yet so I don’t know how that is going to go.
First off thanks for responding guys…
I want them plated, but Im making them part of my “Selena Bay RR”…I found a bunch of unlettered and couldnt figure the finish…!
thanks again, Doug