I placed two of the BLI F7’s onto the track atop my workbench as an A-B consist.
Had a Tech 4 Analog throttle driving the A-B set. These were high draw, high powered units that requires a great deal of power. I noticed that once the voltage is sufficient to power the sound at idle the lights would not flicker.
Anyways, I shot the video at the bench letting the consist sit for about a minute.
It probably will put you folks to sleep with that lullaby from the idling prime movers and for that I apologize. It was interesting that both the A and B units did thier own thing.
When I finally moved the units together down the track there was a little bit of surging (Just a hint of it anyways at the low speeds) and I think both units did well together.
I expect consisted properly under full DCC control they will really shine.
5 Feet of track does not count for much moving from one end of the bench to another with a few cars at this stage in the story. But soon I expect to record these units doing thier stuff out on the line.
I am amazed by the sensitivity of the camcorder’s microphone. When the house is nice and quiet with the exception of two cats purring in another room the traffic noises crept into the tape. I hope it did not ruin it for anyone.
A small tip, use a hand held magnetic uncoupler to uncouple the units, the diaphragms prevents the 0-5-0 up or down uncoupling. That was a first for me and wanted to share it before someone ripped the couplers off.
There was good sound in these units; at least to me.
Without further ado: