BLI M1 Front coupler conversion

I have a pair Broadway Limited PRR M1 locos. I’d like to replace the dummy front coupler on at least one of them so I can double head them on the club layout. I came up with one idea, but don’t have the confidence that it will be successful.

The coupler pocket on the loco is tiny, and the metal frame is close behind the plastic pilot. The only idea I’ve come up with is to slightly widen the pocket, and file down the shank of a Kadee #4. I’d also have to remove the rear of the shank to clear the frame and pilor truck. The coupler would be held in place with a screw through the bottom of the plastic pilot through the shank hole of the coupler. I’m afraid that pilot may not be strong enough to hold the coupler under a load. If that screw pulls out, I may not be able to undo the damaged pilot.

So, have any of you tackled this problem and how did you solve it? Thanks![url][/url]

I just run mine double headed with the dummy coupler, but you have to lift up the lead unit to uncouple.

Looks like I found my answer. It’s along the lines I was thinking, but a bit more surgery than I would like.