BLI Paragon 2 Mikado won't move

I had an issue with the headlight on a BLI Paragon 2 2-8-2 Mikado. BLI sent me a new decoder I installed today. The issue with headlight was easily solved BUT the locomotive won’t move. I put back the original decoder with same result. I made a reset with no avail. Still don’t move.

I sent an email to BLI for help But I wonder if anyone ever had the same problem and can suggest a solution.

The only issue I can think of is if you didnt plug a set of wires into the correct socket. Also double check that none of the wires backed out of the plastic connectors. I wish they had included a wiring diagram with the loco. It would have helped my trace the issues I had. I eventually figured them out on my own. Good luck.

When you say it won’t move, what address, and how are you attempting to get it to move? It should now be on AD 03. The way those steamers work for me is, I have to get the correct address for what’s currently assigned to the decoder, and then I have to actually dial in at least one speed step. As soon as that happens, they move…IF…I have seated the plug properly in its receptacle under the cab. BLI’s are notorious for having to be very firm about seating the plug all the way into the back of its receptacle. Often, if you don’t, you’ll get lights and sounds, even chuff, but no motor control.


I get lights and sounds and chuff, but no motor control. I will check the seating of the plugs again.

Thank you for the information.

I’ve had a similar problem with a Tsunami diesel decoder a little while back.I had all the sounds and lights but no movement.It took me a while and a few pulled hairs to figure it out. The problem wasn’t the loco at all.I found that I had used the loco the week before and had forgotten to correctly dispatch it from the system after use,so some active commands were still in the Zephyr’s memory,likely conflicting with the new commands.When I cleared the Zephyr’s memory,the problem vanished. So if the other solutions don’t work,you may give this some thought.

Thanks to all. So simple. The plug in the engine socket was slightly out. So slightly I couldn’t see it at all. I found the solution with the help of BLI through emails. Great support.