Anyone know if it’s possible to buy BLI replacement parts? I could use a new complete set of 63" drivers for my BLI mikados ( hopefully the replacements would be properly quartered this time). If anyone knows how to go about ordering from BLI I certainly would appreciate a web site or phone #.
I’ve had some positive experience with BLI service and its very possible they will send you the parts you need. “Worst case”, you will end up sending your loco in for them to repair. That will take 6 weeks or so, but it will get done.
Or you can get the quartering tool from NWSL and correct the drivers you have if nothing else is wrong. Anymore, haivng the puller and quatering tool from NWSL is a very handy item for steam engine modelers.
Does their site also have any “how to” info? My CZ obs has an axle set out of guage -too wide and I read on one of the threads the wheels are glued to the axle. Need to know how to remove the truck from the car so I can change out to a properly gauged wheel set - Intermountain, Proto, whomever. It does not appear intuitive.
The truck snaps out just pull down, most likely you will destroy the axle trying to gauge it so if you can get a hold of a genesis working roller bearing truck the plastic axle from those fit on the cz cars