BLI steam loco with TCS decoder running intermittently

Hi All,

I put a TCS Wow decoder into a BLI Paragon2 K4 and it runs intermittently for a couple seconds to about a minute both on my test track and the club layout. I’ve never had this problem with my other Wow equipped BLI K4, though it had been a Paragon1, not Paragon2.

To install the decoder I took out the BLI wiring harnesses, the smoke unit, the chuff sensor, and used a TCS 6-pin connector for the wires running between the loco and tender. To attach the left and right rail wires I attached a wire to each of the two screws offset from one another ahead of the gearbox. I did check to make sure the frame halves are isolated. Are there better places to attach the red and black wires? I did not solder them as I thought screwing the wires in the screw holes would be secure enough. I’ll check that over again soon.

I also attached the tender pickup wires to the red and black wires to take advantage of the extra electrical pickup points.

In addition to the intermittent running, the model’s weight distribution is off, so after taking the smoke unit out I added weight to the area the smoke unit used to be. I hope that helps it track better, because in addition to the intermittent running, the model easily derailed in some places.

I’ll try and get some photos taken and show people what I have going on here.

Thank you in advance,
