BLI Zephyr Coaches

I have the BLI CZ coaches which I am delighted with. If there’s one thing that bugs me slightly though it’s that they seem a tad to long in the couplers. In the past I’ve used Kadee shorts to great effect, but in this case there is no obvious way to access the gearbox as there is on other makes.

Has anyone tried this and how did you get on?



There are two tabs. One in the center on either side and it pops off. However. I am surprised the couplers seem long, I didn’t notice and I’ve not had anyone mention that with my train. If anything, I have issues with the cars being too close. I almost have to have a magnetic uncoupler to disconnect the cars because they are so close together.

I would be afraid the diaphrams would be pressed too tightly together. I would also worry that the top of the coupler would rub or scrape against the bottom side of the diaphram and other stuff on the end of the car.

Try a combination of Kadee #8’s and # 33’s.

Diaphrams effectively lengthen the car. They should not touch entering or anytime on a curve.

I’d recommend ordering a package of #36’s too. I use a combination of #33 on one end and #38’s on the other to match my ‘ruling’ Passenger curve (A #6 Shinohara LH Xover). that and one car with #36’s should give you your ‘variables’ .

Don’t be shocked if you end up with a combination #'s 38/36 (with diaphrams).

I prefer 30 series for passenger with underset/overset shanks, 3 different lengths, and dual height mountings. Spring has equal tension L & R + Practice makes perfect.

With above centering springs, Kadees should always couple on straight track. KD’s are not designed for coupling on curves.