BLI's new rolling thunder-I wasn't expecting that.

Did anyone else see the new BLI catalog with their paragon 3 and rolling thunder sound system?

I wonder why someone didn’t think of that sooner. And I wonder if they will sell retro fits.

I have 4 C&O T-1 class that need updating.

For those of you who don’t know what it is…check a few pages into this catalog

The patent was granted on December 15, 2009. So, someone DID.

I’ve been advocating for this idea for a long time, perhaps even predating the patent date.

But thinkin’ ain’t doin’. And it looks like BLI has “done”.

I sure hope it works out. It sound very promising.


Not a new idea, except to the wireless connectivity to DCC. 15 or 20 years ago, CVP products (I think it was them) had a sound system that was under the layout and connected to speakers. Depending on the stereo system speakers selected it was loud with really deep bass. I saw/heard one at a train show, and you could really feel the low frequency sounds.

Did you mean PFM, or was that even earlier?

It sounds interesting.

If I’m reading it right, it seems to be a sub woofer working in conjuction with the onboard speaker. Also seems like you need the the new Paragon 3 DCC sound decoder to make it work.

It doesn’t sound like just any sound decoder will work with it. If thats the case will they be selling Paragon 3 decoders seperately. Or will it only work with the BLI locos.

Would love to see a demo


Don, thanks for the link.


If it works as described and for the prices listed (street may be less) it seems it should be a very good seller.

My question - does it work with more than one loco at a time? They really need to come up with a way to make it work with other sound decoders, because the idea is great - low frequency is not directional so it doesn’t matter if the train isn;t near the subwoofer, the more directional and higher pitch sounds will come from the loco itself so your eyes will track to it, but you still get the rumble of the low frequency stuff. Perfect for overcoming the limitations of speakers small enough to fit inside models.


I’m sure it will work for as many equipped locos as you want to run. It would probably be more difficult to limit the number than to have them all do it.

I suspect that you’ll be able to run this BLI system with their special-equipped locos and also regular sound locos. But only the former will activate the woofer(s). Each loco has to re-transmit the signal back to the rail, and the decoder has to be able to do that.

Or so it all seems to me.


Again if I read their information, sounds like it will only work with a Paragon 3 decoders for now. No information about how many locomotives can be used at the same time. There must be some limitations as to how many you can use be it one or ten.

I don’t think it’s a matter of the frequencies the sub can handle more a function of how many channels the receiver that connects to the sub can handle

BLI we need a demo


Edit, I just reread the literature and it says it handles 29 channels per frequency

My Jedi powers forsee auxiliary decoders that you can install in non-BLI locomotives.

For a slight phenominal fee, of course.

One thing, it’s wireless, it does not use any sort of through the rail feedback.


Ah, yes. I missed that when I composed my earlier comment. I guess the system uses the radio transmission to determine the distance to the loco and uses “volume control” appropriately.

Very nice.
