I’ve searched the forum list and can’t find where this has been discussed before. I have a Kato BN Executive SD70MAC on which I need to repaint parts of the cream section. Does anyone have a suggestion for a good color match? I can’t seem to find a manufacturer of this color.
This might help, I found this on the Atlas forum:
“If anyone ever needs to know, ModelFlex Executive colors aren’t even remotely close to being correct. Their Executive Cream is so overly Brown shaded that the color I used there is actually just 1 part ModelFlex Executive Cream to 10 Parts Insignia White to tone down the tan. The Green is closer, but I should have added some Black to it, something I didn’t think about until I had already removed the masking. I’ll probably go with a 25% Engine Black mix in the future. BN was notorious for using a different shade of green every day of the week anyhow.”