
Besides Overland Brass… Does anyone know of any HO scale SD70MAC models or where to obtain parts to convert Athearn Genesis SD70Ms?

I am in dire need of some of these for my BN coal unit trains. It would be cool if someone did the BN executive scheme for these. I really wish Kato, Walthers or Athearn would produce just one of these babies. Maybe a limited run production. Ahhh, one can only hope.


I had read awhile ago that Athearn was planning to come out with one. DO YOU HEAR THAT ATHEARN?? Better get on track before Walthers (God forbid MADE IN CHINA!!), should come out with this model. If I remember corectly, the BN Big Macs had a couple of paint scemes. Then add Santa Fe, and a couple from BNSF, WOW, let the coal rool!!

I hear ya there. I have many Athearn diesels and love them all. They might not move as fast as my Life-Like Blue and Yellow warbonnet Santa Fe’s, but that speed is really unrealistic anyhow. I did notice that my Athearns hold up better on the track than the Life-Likes do.

Like I said, it would be great to see Athearn or Kato or Atlas come out with an SD70MAC. I mainly just want them for my BN coal unit trains.

Anyone else have 2cents to add? LOL…


An update…

I talked to Athearn today, and they said that the SD70MAC was in consideration, but no decisions had been made as to the production of one. Their main point of argument was that because of the length of the SD70MAC, they would require new tooling for the model. I think they are worried that there is not enough of demand for the model, that they will not get back what they put into new tooling. Perhaps ALL of us, that want these beloved MACs should email Athearn and let them know.

I did cover all bases though. In the event that Athearn does not produce one, I also contacted Kato and Atlas, as well as Rail Products to design and produce an SD70MAC model or shell and chassis.


Don’t you think for a minute that Athearn, Atlas, and Kato aren’t watching this site an others like it? So here’s your chance Athearn, get out of the siding!! Here’s another manufacture that slipped by. Proto 2000. Now I could really deal with a fleet of these!!! Tim

The Athearn Genesis line (as well as their ready to roll) are now made in China. Notice that the American flag no longer appears on their box. I too would like to see SD70MAC.

Athearn already has their money wrapped up in the new spartan cab SD70, which is supposedly hitting the shelves this summer. If it does show up, it will have arrived something like 3 years after it was announced. They also have their money tied up in the Genesis box cars and Trinity hoppers, so it might be awhile before something totally new comes from them.

Their comments, from their web site, regarding the SD70MAC:

"A note about the SD70MAC:

“The SD70MAC is an engine that we are considering as a possible future project but we have not made a final decision as to whether we will produce it or not. The decision whether or not to produce the SD70MAC hinges on the fact that it would require completely different tooling since the SD70MAC is longer than the SD70 series. The body, the walkway and the under frame are all longer, hence the need for new tooling. Please subscribe to our on-line newsletter, “The Athearn News,” to get the latest information about what we are and will be producing as well as the latest release dates on new products. To sign up just go to the bottom of the Home Page of our web site ( and register for free.”

There are many significant differences between the SD70M and the SD70MAC. If you’d like to round up parts for one, it’s going to be expensive and you should have some experience kitbashing and scratchbuilding. For starters, I’d suggest checking out this web page to see the differences between SD70M and SD70MAC locos:

Then I’d peruse a Walther’s catalog and look through the detail section paying careful attention to the Cannon & Co. section. You’ll probably need an extra Athearn SD70/75 body shell to get the extra 3 feet out of, but you’re on your own with the frame. You’ll have to bend your own handrails as well since the SD70MAC is longer and has different walkway features than the SD70M.

Now, I custom build and paint models and sell t


No offence meant, but I do not want the BNSF MACs. I want the “BN” ones with the executive scheme on them. I seen some conversions at Galesburg RR Days and liked them a lot. That is why I started this thread. Perhaps if all us model railroaders and railfans got together and did a petition to Athearn? Maybe that would help?? Suggestions? Ideas?? Let’s hear them.


I didn’t read your original post very well! However, I think what I said has merit about encouraging Athearn to do with what they have to show exactly what the demand is. I’m not sure petitions (the word “petition” - especially today, 4 July - makes me think of the phrase “redress of grievances” :slight_smile: are the way to go, but rather individual letters. If they get flooded with those, you bet they’ll respond.

I, too, have wanted those Grinstein Green babies since I first saw them in Irving, Texas idling away. My BN coal trains have never looked “quite right” without them and the H1 C449Ws I bought years ago just don’t cut it.

I have seen a repaint of the SD75M in Grinstein Green on ebay and it was convincing, from a distance. Maybe you could go down that road.

As for seeing a SD70MAC, write to every manufacturer you can find (that does what you consider quality work) and encourage your friends to do the same. I think there’s enough momentum behind this to see these in a few years. I mean, if Kato did the SD90MAC, there MUST be hope for us!


I to woant HO SD70MAC’S I live in NC I will take them in any RR.I perfer KATO first PROTO 2000 second ATLAS 3place ATHEARN last because when I run two together changing tracks on two powerpacks they jump I still love you ATHEARN.Whoever jumps first I will accept.Bachmann if you do a new locomotive please go the way LIFELIKE did.Now what about a AC6000CW.

You’re in luck! (well, sort’ve anyway) Kato has just announced the SD70MAC in N and HO scales. Only problem is, they aren’t initially going to offer the BN Executive version, only BNSF Heritage-II and maybe the BNSF Executive version. The reason is that the details and configuration of the SD70MAC’s changed significantly from BN’s early orders and BNSF’s later orders. Also, the Conrail and CSX versions (also offered) have similar features to the later BNSF units. Thus, it makes sense to release those all together (BNSF H-II, BNSF Exec (later orders), CSX, Conrail) to get a broader sales base to start with. So, Kato either plans to release an additional shell (hopefully) for BN (and maybe the early BNSF Exec’s), or a second round with BN but on the same shell, or no release of BN at all. Kato has not released details yet on the first round except for road names, so any of these options are pure speculation at this point. I would suggest any of you wanting BN please e-mail Kato letting them know your interest.

Thanks Doug! I will definately see about this with an email to Kato.


My first post!
I have seen Overland making the BN SD70 in the Executive paint. Saw one on Ebay a few months back. Also…I think it is Kato is making the Executive paint. Seen them on Ebay also. I deffinately saw a plastic model with a factory Executive paint job.

The kato EMD SD70MAC was a dream come true. this model has proven to a god sent to the modeling ind. when I first saw that a modeling company was to sell the first HO scale EMD SD70MAC locomotive I went crazy! I didn’t wait a moments notice,sure If athearn would’ve came out with the first EMD SD70MAC I garentee I would’ve jumped on them in a heart beat. but thay didn’t, I got the kato’s insted. these locomotive’s run very smooth&look just like a typical model should. and thay are very “powerfull”.
I currently own 3 EMD BNSF SD70MAC’s #‘s BNSF8802,BNSF9838&BNSF9959. and I LOVE em’.

An SD75 is basically the same thing, except you’d have to take the bump out. Perhaps you can start there…