Wow, just heard the news. A BN eastbound coal train from Wyoming to a power plant just across state lines reportedly derailed this morning at 4 a.m. SBD on CN tracks, just under the freeway, near 16th st. and roosevelt. I guess nobody was hurt but a couple loads of coal were dumped and Metra Rock Island trains were disrupted for morning service. And to think, so close to home. That little BN yard on western avenue that this train comes through and crewchanges at is a favorite spot of mine. This train’s a daily and I used to see it all the time, I wonder what made it derail? I assume it was at the crossover…Anybody got any info on this?

If you look others reported this was a UPRR derailment[?][?]

Originally posted by joeyalone

Yes it was a BNSF train. i went over to take a look today after work, when i was there 3 cars were still derailed. Dont know how it happened, but at 1:00p when the Metras started rolling across the junction. BNSF pulled the end of the train, 5 cars, back west towards to yard. By the way, while i was in that area i catch a northbound Amtrak with 3 Sounder commuter car heading into Union Station.

I have been a train nut for over 50 years and in the last year to me there has been more derailments. I think I have heard more derailments in one year then in 50 years