As we all know, Santa Fe’s refrigerator division was dissolved in the late 80s and most of it’s mech reefers sold. Most of BNSF’s mech reefers have Western Fruit Express all the side, a lineage which goes all the way back to Great Northern. If SFRD was still active at the time of the merger along with BN and still had a sizable mech reefer fleet, which identity and color scheme do you think BNSF should have gone with post merger for their reefers, WFE or SFRD? Considering that BNSF decided on ATSF’s oxide red for their rolling stock, I can visualize mech reefers painted orange with BNSF’s logo. Heck, they could substitute SFRD’s orange for the same orange as their pumpkin engines. My favorite color scheme though is BNFE’s green with the large WFE on the side.
BNSF could have considered orange for their rolling stock like IC/ICG did in 70s, though they would have to be careful of what type of orange to select because of fading, and some of those early H2 SD70MAC’s are starting to look really faded. Personally, I still prefer cascade green.