BNSF New Paint Scheme - Nothing yet!

I live about two miles or so from the BNSF triple track main[:)] from Aurora (my town) to Chicago and after about a month of trying to catch a unit in the new paint scheme[:p]…and seeing hundreds of units[8D]…no luck seeing one of the new ones[V]. Has anybody else actually seen one “in the flesh”? Opinions on the scheme[?]

Better than seeing one, try using one!
See the link…

And thats black, not dark green accents…


In my opinion, I would rather that BNSF use the old “Cascade Green” scheme with DRGW style speed lettering.

I haven’t seen any in person. I’m not very eager to either.

The numerous high numbered 7600’s I’ve seen in Cajon Pass have had YELLOW new style “BNSF” lettering on the sides.

I live about two miles from those tracks too. I have also seen nothing. But, the engine has come down that line before, I saw it once on the Ft.Maddisson camera back in late Feburary, and a picture in Beryn of it on railpictures .net.

yep they were pretty new looking going through deshler a couple weeks ago![:)]
stay safe

I guess the new paint scheme for BNSF is the railroad’s way of saying that they are going into the future. The BNSF logo on the new scheme reminds me of a DRFT logo you would see on a import tunner car in drift racing. To me it looks pretty good but, I still like BNSF’s pumkin scheme the best.

Nothing has shown up either on the Ft. Madison cam [:D]

Originally posted by eolafan

Ive seen 2 units and a long string of brand new hoppers from Trinity Railcar with the new logo.

Nothing seen here in Kansas for Locomotives, but seen a whole string of hoppers with the new logo in Abilene, KS Yard at the elevators.

So far I have not seen one yet pass on the Ft. Madison cam [;)]

Originally posted by eolafan

I have seen ONE unit so far,with the lettering in yellow.It doesn’t look that bad.I just wi***hey had not changed the green areas to black[:(!]!

With the exception of a few photos, I haven’t seen a BNSF locomotive in the new paint scheme yet. The new logo’s ok on the side of the locomotive, but why did they have to get rid of the Santa Fe style logo on the front?! [:(!] “New and improved” doesn’t always equal better.

Another day & still nothing on the Ft. Madison cam

As luck would have it, as I came out from a seminar at the San Diego Convention Center today around lunch time, a BNSF northbound was holding just shy of the grade crossing at Fifth and Harbor Drive. Heading up were two brand new ES44DC GE’s, 7701 and 7705, followed by two dash-9 44CW units, 4484 and 4503. 7701 was head-end with the new paint scheme, while 7705 had the previous scheme (go figure, the lower number had the new scheme).

Both of the ES44DC’s were show-room fresh. 7705 even still had the GE sticker on it. Build date was March-05, and I am betting they still had that “new-cab-smell.” Usually the power I see in daylight down here is, charitably, a little overdue for a visit to Earl Scheib. (Of course, unlike car stickers, there was no indication of MSRP or dealer prep charges!)

What’s really great about the particular location is that it is one of the few places you can get really up close and personal, as there is a sidewalk and chain-link fence running adjacent to the tracks along the Harbor Drive side. The engines were unbelievably clean, with the exception of the coupler knuckles hanging on the back ends. Too slick for words.

Anyway, the sad part of all this is that I didn’t have a camera with me. (Odd, because the event at the SDCC is a photography trade show, but I usually don’t take a camera with me to those events.)

I live 15 minutes from the NS mainline on the Piedmont Division and I have seen one on a NS TOFC train. They look pretty sharp! [:)]

I’ve seen about 4 “swooshes”, two of which were SD70ACe’s.

I have seen 5 units couple days ago. On the chicago main line and goodmen yard here in Rochester, NewYork. nice looking engines.

I see them all the time on the STRKCK which stands for Strator IL to Kansas City Kansas train that is interchanged here. normally DIC but still tehy look nice.

There was a container train with all four locomotives in the new paint that came out of the city last Tuesday morning at West Eola. Stopped at the overhead signal and waited for a crew change, then went west. I had an hour to kill between appointments so I headed over there, but didn’t have a camera with me – which is really unusual.

Also have seen new hoppers and spine cars with the new logo – looks like off-white on sort of a reddi***uscan background.

In a short time, I’m sure we’ll be seeing plenty of them.