BNSF Paint Scheme Plan

What is BNSF Paint Scheme Plan now that they have the new logo? Are they going to still have the Heritage 1 and Heritage 2 with the new logo? What will they call their new scheme? Thanks in advance.

[xx(] You can find photos of the new BNSF paint scheme on I don’t believe the railroad calls the various paint schemes anything in particular as there are so very many minor variations on a commom scheme. To me this one looks kind of like the Ford Torino on Starsky and Hutch TV show from the 1970’s.

This one they are going to “Fast Track” since it appears that they are portraying they can deliver fastest then a rocket ship with the new scheme. [:D][:)][:p]

Originally posted by cgrubb80

I have looked at the ones on but there appears to be two schemes they are playing with. One has the new logo in yellow and the other has it in green.

Actually, the new BNSF colour scheme is orange, yellow, and black. There is no green in the new scheme. To the eye, looking at pictures over the Internet it may appear dark green.

BNSF yellow logo

BNSF black logo

Best regards,
Frank Swafford

I like it alot. It looks very classy. I like it[:p].

the new logo looks great in the yellow, i hope that they stick with this one over the black. although i still see a number of units that have never gotten BNSF paint, just a BNSF patch job.

I think they are calling the new paint job, Heritage 3. I’m not thinking its a heritage paint cause wouldn’t it be an ATSF or BN paint job then?

I actually like the new scheme in yellow.,Now if they could only replace the black areas with dark green,they would have a good looking loco[8D].

Anybody have pictures of the new sheme with yellow letrering, I would love to see it and do not find it on

I wi***hey’d leave it alone. I liked the old paint scheme just fine…

To: eolafan

These pictures are not from
Please click on the link below to view the BNSF logo in yellow. Hope this helps.

BNSF yellow logo

Best regards,
Frank Swafford