This morning when we got up we heard some chatter on the scanner…We listened in on it and we could pick up something that a schnabel train was coming into town to pick up a WC pilot crew…We ran and got our gear and headed to the depot in town
When we got there we see that the train has already beat us to the depot and has the WC crew member on board already
They wasted no time sitting at the depot as they took off…And so did we…Our next spot we caught him was him crossing the ELS diamond
We then quick went over to Quad Graphics to see if there was some switching going on and hoping to catch them switching out the plant…Well once again our luck didnt happen as it looks as though they have already switched it out today…Well there is always next time
A shot of the cool looking car crossing the bridge
A run by shot of the train
Last shot we catch him crossing a bridge and after that we headed on home
Kinda went off of this one here