Bob Keller, you might want to check this out.

Downloaded new Windows upgrades. It downloaded IE 7. Now CTT forum will not recognize anything I type. When you hit post, it gives message as if you had not typed anything at all. I am using Firefox to type this. FYI: can post on my fishing forums and Big Blue train forum with no problem. Just CTT. Thanks

I will get our crack on-line staff on it, Frank!

You should bought a Mac!

NO WAY!!![tdn]


Check your Java settings. Earlier this week when we were going thru our PC, laptop & wireless printer nightmares I tried IE-9 and screwed up the Java settings/program and had to reload the program after coming back to IE-7. Really liked the speed with 9 but just didn’t like some other issues with it.

I’m confused. [*-)] Upgrated 4/13/2011: IE is now version 8.0.6001.18702; (no problems w/XP Pro 2002/SP3. Core i7 940, Zone Alarm 9.3) As for Firefox I’m still runing 3.6.3(Which I have buttoned up tight & haven’t used for posting now for months).

Perhaps you might want to check you cookie settings on your browsers & firewalls.


IE9 is a fairly new browser and seems to have a few bugs in how it manages Java which is used to manage the text editor. There do seem to be a few work around however.

Option one is to use a secondary browser. I have tested the latest version of Firefox (4) and that handles java correctly.

Option two would be to use IE9 in compatibility mode. At the top of your browser in your web address field you will see a “ripped paper” icon. Select it so it appears blue. This should allow you to respond and post as normal in IE9.

Option three would be to update your profile to use the plain text editor.

This seems to be a bug with IE9 at this point, but we will research the error further.

Thank you for bringing this to our attention.

Chief…Remember, CTT is a Northern operation and I don’t believe the forum understands anyting except English, Spanish, Portegues, French, Italian, Dutch Chinese, Manderin, Russion, Arabic, Bengali or German. Suthern can not be translated on the forum, so start typing with a non-Suthern computer. [:D]

Thanks The little torn paper is now blue. Funny, CTT is the only forum it has problems. [;)]

I bought a new computor a few years ago and now I can’t download IE-9 without downloading some other program or software. So I guess I am running with EI-8 and Windows Vista, the program that keeps asking you to download updates, for several minutes, every time you turn on the computor. Also my new computor(an E Machines) has been in the shop twice since I bought it, purchased the exteneded warrenty, but thought that I would not use it, guess I was wrong.

Lee F.

Chief, you’re not the first to have problems with IE9 - I’ve seen quite a few reported since it was available. I’d recommend backing it out of your machine.

11th street, since you’re running Windows XP you can’t use IE9 - it is only for Windows Vista and newer OS’s. Microsoft is trying to force people to get off XP and buy a newer version of their OS. Hence IE9 is not backward compatible. That’s one of the many reasons I use Firefox.