Boldly going where no toy train maker has gone before...

LIONEL LLC has released its new catalogs. A ton of “cross-over” items to be offered.


OK, got a look. LOTS of licensed merchandise, if that’s what you mean.

I’ll take The Christmas Story car, The Star Trek cars…several other goodies. May have to go back to work!

I like the Vision Santa Fe reefers, the Rotary gondolas and the Miller box cars but not the prices! [:O]

Not much in modern Diesel power in LC+ 2.0 [:S]

Aye chihuahua that’s a lotta daylights! [:D]

You ain’t kiddin’! Sombody at Lionel must really like Daylights!

They better hope a lot of other people like 'em too!

Maybe they should have titled the catalog “Lionel 120, The Living Daylights!”

Good morning all,

Kind of a sad commentary there are more pages devoted to one tremendously expensive engine style than to O gauge (not O scale) rolling stock and those are six pack assortments. Another oddity is the 0-6-0 switch engines listed for 249 with conventional control ( as well as all the bells and whistles ) are only 30$ more than the 0-8-0 engines that are LionChief only. Hmmmm. Would it kill Lionel to make ONE ready to run set that you could still use a transformer with? Ugh. I hope everyone has a good day.

Keep on training,

Mike C. from Indiana

Come to think of it, I didn’t see anything shown as “LionChief-Plus,” unless I missed it. I suspect it’s probably cheaper and more efficient to make them all one way and not some one way and others in another way.

Sorry folks, I want that conventional option. Maybe I’m a dinosaur and my time has come and gone, but I don’t think I’m alone.

Nope. You’re not alone. [:D]

There’s always NOS!!!

Nice catalogs, however there is only the on-line version for American Flyer. Went to my local dealer in Hanover to order and have to come back this week because he didn’t have internet connection at the shop to get the item numbers. Is Lionel trying to end S-Scale production?


Um, I hate to admit it but I’m kind of drawing a blank on that. What does NOS mean? Maybe when I find out I’ll bang my head on a wall and say “WHY didn’t I think of that?”

Wouldn’t be the first time…

NOS = New Old Stock

Ah, thank you so much Michael! I had no idea! NOS, I suppose I’ll be haunting train shops and shows for those!

NOS is pretty much the same as MIB.

Here we go again.

MIB? Is that “Merchandise In the Box?” Or “Men In Black?”

The learning process never ends…

Mint In Box

I’m strictly conventional

“Mint In Box!” Arghhh, I should have thought of that! [banghead]

Usually if I think of “mint in box” the first thing that comes to mind is something from Russell Stover or “Junior Mints.” Maybe “Peppermint Patties.”

Well like I said, the learning never stops. The day you stop learning you might as well be dead!

I did not either but then again the ones they had in last years offers still have not arrived as said they would in December and now show June,maybe? [(-D] SO if they skip a year maybe they can deliver on time. [;)]