Book disappointment

I just received the Kalmbach book Classic Railroad Scenes. I was drawn in by the cover, which features a very intriguing shot of a streamlined steam locomotive, etc. in Milwaukee.

if you are thinking of buying it, be advised that there are perhaps more traction photos than railroad shots.

I have nothing against trolleys, but I am not particularly interested in them. (I find the cities in the scenes more interesting than the trolleys.)

I think the cover and the title are misleading.

I’ve now looked through the whole book. It’s about 80% trolley photos. Very disappointing to me.

But if you like trolleys it might appeal to you. The quality of the photos is high, and the reproduction is excellent

Each 2-page spread has one photo on the left, and text on the right. The text is relatively short, and IMO a bit ho-hum.

That’s a great photo on the cover, but it’s not very representative of the book in general. It’s a sort of bait-and-switch.