Book Review - The First Tycoon

“The First Tycoon: The Epic Life of Cornelius Vanderbilt”. By T.J. Stiles. Available on Amazon:

If you’re strictly into railroading, pass on this book. If you can broaden it out to an interst in transportation, I think you’ll find the book informaive and enoyable, as I did. It deals with the importance of transportation regarding the development of the economy and how Vanderbilt was at the leading edge of the steam revolution in transportation. In his day steam power was the technological revolution changing the world. Vanderbilt understood how to apply this new technolgy to practical effect. That was part of his genius.

Most of the “Commodore’s” life, and most of this book, was devoted to steam powered water transportation. Only toward the end of his life, and the end of the book, do we get in to the creation of the New York Central.

Vanderbilt, born on Staten Island in 1794, had virtually no formal education. But his father ran a boat service between Staten Island and Manhatten. So the Commodore grew up on the water. Although generally loathe to work for anyone but himself, he went to work for a steamboat operator to learn about steam power. This allowed him to develop the ability, sans formal education, to eventually design steamships that could safely, economially, and speedily cross the North Atlantic.

He was instrumental in linking California to New York, via Nicaragua. At age 50 plus he personally went to Nicaragua and piloted a b

Thanks for the well written review! Sounds like a very interesting book about a fellow who was a major player in the development of this nation.

Gibbons vs Ogden, 1824.

Yes, Vanderbilt was employed by Gibbons. Gibbons was the New Jersey ferry operator who challenged the New York trade barrier in Federal court.

It was the first case involving the Commerce Clause.

Excellent review. Much the same can be said for Jay Gould, two men who were cast from the same mold it seems.

I read the railroad chapters first, then went back to enjoy the boat rides. It was awful long but worth the time. No one will regret reading this book.

Tycoon is a fine biography, as well-written as it is researched. When I read the book I reflected on how our country seemed to produce lots of men like Vanderbilt years ago and not so much today. What I mean is Vanderbilt’s sense of vision, his quality of seizing opportunities, and his really selfless devotion to his country (see for reference his offering of his ships and more to the Federal Government during the Civil War).

The book also exposes the Commodore’s private life in an honest and intimate way. For him and for so many others Hell, as Satre said, (was) other people. This guy had sons and daughters-in-law that seemingly were sent up from Central Casting; he knew about grief.

The railroad part of the book and Vanderbilt’s life takes up only the last 20% of Tycoon because that was about how important railroads per se were to him. The chapter dealing with the bridge over the Hudson River at Albany and the fight with the NYC RR is particularly interesting and insightful.

As someone here noted earlier, Vanderbilt by all accounts seems to have been an honest and forthright man, if sharp, and a fine example of the kind of American businessman of which we never seem to have enough.

One also can’t help but note that with one exception, his heirs largely burned through the fortunes he left them. Most led the lives of dillitantes or wastrels, never actually earning a living but spending lavishly from the fortunes the stock of the New York Central was earning for them. If t

So much of what I know is from “The Scarlet Lady of Street”, a really good read that should make you laugh out loud.

That is not true. Some heirs (besides Billy) and heirs of heirs, etc. were “the idle rich,” but several were productive members of society, though not only as businessmen.

For the “Rest of the story” you might want to read Fortune’s Children: The Fa**ll of the House of Vanderbilt by Arthur T. Vanderbilt II. Available through Amazon and likely available through inter-library loan

Nothing ribald here (well, mainly not) - more about the Erie Railroad and the leading RR men of the day - Fisk, Gould, and Vanderbilt, their battles and schemes, etc.

By John Steele Gordon, who’s a pretty good historian, IIRC. All 5 reviews on Amazon gave it 5 stars, mainly for its explanation of the finances of the day - several said the likes and sophistication (?) of which hasn’t been seen since.

  • Paul North.

Vanderbilt has always been dead, but like the book reviewed, his letters to the founder of Vanderbilt University bring him alive a little bit.

How different railroad history would be if Vanderbilt had died at 39, on his first train ride."on+november+8+1833+vanderbilt"&hl=en&sa=X&ved=0ahUKEwjOzNzPpszPAhULkh4KHZyyCaUQ6AEIHjAA#v=onepage&q="on%20november%208%201833%20vanderbilt"&f=false