
I thought that it was a brand of beer.[:-^]

You’re damn right I can almost taste one RME! Thanks so much for posting that commercial, I’ve never seen it before, although I’m certainly old enough to remember it, looks like something from the 60’s.

Firelock 76, thanks for original post…the replies have been entertaining… to keep this RR related what RR run though your part of Virginia? endmrw1103162006

Sounds like the name of a garage band.

Or maybe a brand of guillotine?

Hello Cotton Belt! In this part of Virginia there’s not a whole lot of variety, it’s CSX and Norfolk-Southern country, north of the James River pretty much CSX. And there is Amtrak.

Not to say you don’t get some suprises now and then. I’ve seen UP locomotives come through as run-through power, there’s the Tropicana train (complete with graffiti, the taggers find those big white “canvases” irresistable, I suppose) and the occasional CSX engineering train. If CSX ran passenger service I guess the engineering train would be just what it would look like.

Lots of coal still, loads east and empties west.