If you look at the item you can see the brake rigging on the car. How could this be made or bought? Does someone like CakScale make it. And does anyone have a diagram to see or a pic of what it looks like if it has to be made? It’s going to go on this 89’ Auto Rack.
Cal-Scale offers an AB brake set in plastic or brass. It will be accompanied by a drawing showing the general layout of the components on a freight car, and a list of pipe sizes. Use appropriately-sized brass or stainless steel wire for the pipes and rodding which you wish to add.
Unless you’re building a contest-quality model, some of the details (usually the majority of the piping) can be eliminated, as it would not be visible from trackside. On modern cars, and especially autoracks, much of the rodding which connects the various parts is visible, though, as a lot of it hangs below the car.
Here’s an older (and much shorter car than an autorack) with AB brakes:
As seen from trackside, though, there’s not much to look at:
If seen from the usual modeler’s perspective (roof of three story building up to helicopter/blimp altitude) there/s even less to see, even under the slope sheet of a normal hopper car.
Highly detailed brake rigging is good on a contest model, or if the model might be seen from the angle usual to a driver waiting at a ‘hump in the road’ grade crossing. It doesn’t add much to models which are merely pawns in a game called, “Operate like a railroad.”
Since I am an avid player, my goods vans and wagons don’t even have the highly visible foot lever brakes common to my prototype. I added a few, but discovered they were too vulnerable to damage - so I removed those and never added another.
Sorry, but that car is not the correct one for the underbody shown. [zzz] Here’s the correct car, and as you can see, some of the brake detail is visible from trackside:
CNR 470219 is a Tichy kit for a re-built USRA single sheathed boxcar, and the underbody was built pretty-much according to the instructions. Tichy also offers an AB brake set, but it doesn’t include any of the piping or rodding. The car, incidentally, is a 40’-er.
I was originally fooled because the photo of the CNW car (a modified Train Miniature car) was beside that underbody photo in my photobucket album. [banghead]