I was running a piggy back train with 1Dash-9 BNSF 4723 a SD40 BNSF 8010
and 2 SD40-2’s CR8848 CSX 83?? when I went into Cutbank. when the SD40 and the SD40-2 crossed the cross over they broke couplers I tried it again at only 4mph they did it again should I replace the SD40-2 CR are what?
You might to see if they are the problem. If they are, you can edit the coupler values (make them less likely to break). They discuss how to do this on http://www.webdottrainsim.com/index5.htm in detail.
I came here looking for the answer to this question. I went to the webdottainsim site and got a fix that involeved going to the wordpad, and then changing the ENG file. I did searches in ‘my computer’, the .c drive and could not find the word pad, nor the ENG file.
I am NOT versitle with a computer, but how can I fix those blasted couplers?