On my Pennsy HO layout I have four bridges crossing a 200-foot scale river. The first double track truss bridge is approximately 47 feet above the water. In order to meet track on the other side I reduced the grade 1” from one side of the bridge to the other. My wife said all bridges are always built level and never have a grade. Can anyone settle this argument?
I agree with wife [:D]
See this thread
Tell wife that out here in the Sierra Nevada, the bridges conform to whatever grade the track is on. There’s a viaduct on the Siskiyou line in southern Oregon (just over the california border) that is on a 3.5% grade! Most of the bridges on the ex-SP Donner Pass line over the Sierras are on about a 2-2.4% grade, and the west approach to the Carquinez Straits Bridge near Oakland, CA, is on about a 1.5%. The bridges on the ex WP Feather River route are all on a 1% grade. You don’t halt a grade just to cross a river, otherwise you’re going to have Hell to pay trying to make up that grade on the other side. I’ve got four bridges on my Yuba Pass Sub that are on a 2.4% grade, and my projected large curve viaduct is going to be on a 2.2%. It happens all the time, both in models and certainly in real life. At least out here in the mountains.
Lots of graded bridges in BC. Both the CPR and CNR (heck, even the Esquimalt & Nanaimo and the BC Railroad) had few clean lines across rivers in the various mountain ranges. When you think about it, rivers wouldn’t flow if THEY didn’t have a grade!
Thanks a lot for all the information showing that bridges can have a grade and proving my wife was wrong. It has been quite a learning experience for both of us. My wife learned a whole lot of details about bridges and I learned how uncomfortable the couch is.
Drainage is better with a slight grade; wouldn’t want too much snow and ice on a bridge.
Can’t say I’ve ever been sent to the couch over something like that! [(-D]
So what happens when you start talking about ballast color? [:P][;)]