Broadway Limited F3 with blinking top headlight

I just got a BLI F3 locomotive on eBay. I’m noticing that the top headlight blinks when direction is set to forward. Lower headlight goes on/off when I press F0 as expected. I’m suspecting that this the blinking headlight is not a feature controlled by a CV? Does this sound like a problem that needs repair?

Did you not get a manual with the model ? Things like that are usually explained there.


Suspect this is a prototype that had a Mars light or Gyralite in the upper housing. There are usually selectable ‘patterns’ for the effect in definable CVs – I don’t know these for BLI but there are people here who will. We in fact have had a couple of recent threads about simulating different types of these lights.

I have the manual and looked throught it. I didnt see anything about blinking headlight, just F0 for on/off

From what I see on line, F7 is the toggle for a Mars light on the F3 model.

I think you are correct that this is a Mars light or gyralite. Manual says F7 for Mars light on/off. Light goes off when I press F7. Does not seem to be a way that I’ve discovered yet for it to be on constantly.

I may just be ignorant of how the prototype operated for these locos. This may be prototypical operation.

It’s not meant to be.

When F-units had dual headlights like that, the top one was a gyralight. The regular headlight went in the door because the gyralight mechanicals were a lot heavier.

So the bottom light is the headlight, the top light is a oscilliating gyralight, meanth for better warning visibility to others of the approaching train. It would not be a solid-on headlight.

The engine/decoder is set up correctly and deliberately.

Thanks for the info, much appreciated!