Broadway Limited HO N&W Class A 2-6-6-4 steam locomotive

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Broadway Limited HO N&W Class A 2-6-6-4 steam locomotive

I saw this locomotive in one of your articles. So i bought one. This is a beautiful locomotive! If you model N&W steam,you gotta have one! Thanks Broadway Limited!

this is a great locomotive because i have a athearns challenger and compared to this i have to say the challengers wimpy i mean 170 to 100 is a big differance in HO so i would recomend this to anyone.Only drawback EXPENSIVE!!!

This is one of BLI’s three best steam locomotives along with the PCM Y6b and the I1sa. Motor control is excellent; molding and details is superior; the QSI sound system is first rate. I own several and am pleased with every aspect of these models. Make sure you insulate the tender shell with tape to reduce speaker vibration between the tender shell and frame. Other than that superb locomotive.

The N&W Class A is considered one of the best steam locomotives of all time. Although not as famous as the Challenger or the Big Boy, it is still an engineering marvel & I believe BLI did a great job of modeling it. Like Kelly Hayes said, the great quality came with a $500 price tag