Well here I am again with something interesting about this model. As you may know my DCC board smoked it’s self right after maybe two hours of mostly forward running time. I sent the board back to BLI and received a new board, the service was great and turnaround time was wonderful. With the new board installed, shell on, cab address #3, running factory settings, here we go. This loco has some very good weight to pull a train.
Now on to the next problem with this loco. Every thing was going great forward, then when backing aroung a left hand 22’’ or 24’’ curve pushing cars the engine would stop dead on the track but the lights stayed on, no motor humm, no wheels turning, no smoke, no system shutdown. Ok, dirty track, out comes the cleaning crew.
Lets try this again, in reverse same thing, stalls, wait lets use more speed. Woops, to much speed. Crashed in to a few cars in the yard. Now the Kadee #5 on the rear has a smashed (compressed) knuckle spring. So lets change that out.
But it still stalls in reverse on the left hand curves pushing cars. Off comes the shell and lets see what is happening.
Aha, there is the problem, the trip pin tip swings out and catches on the outer rail. I did notice the loco. would stall on a turnout at times.
Ok check the height of the coupler and trip pin. That’s strange, it’s spot on. So now let’s run it in reverse without cars though that curve again. All’s good no stalling. Let’s try it with cars, aha, there it is.
All that drama to get to the point…
With the loco (A unit only) in reverse, slowly pushing cars around a left hand curve, the rear coupler will swing out and down slightly and the tip of the trip pin touches the outer rail, yep there’s the very tiny spark that stalls her out.
That rear Kadee #5 metal