I am the dissatified owner of four BLI locos, an AC5 CAB FORWARD, A CLASS A 2-5-5-4 AND TWO 2-8-2’s, one in Milwaukee scheme and the other GN. Neither of these four locos are able to make a complete circuit of my small layout, 8x12 L shaped without derailing or stopping completely. My less expensive locos, Mantua, Rivarossi, Proto 200, Stewart, and Athear Genesis fun fine. I have emailed the company but received no reply. Has anyone else experienced these problems? It is my firm belief that BLI products are overrated and definately overpriced.

You don’t happen to work for MTH by any chance? :slight_smile: I gather they have a beef with Broadway Limited.

Oh by the way, this is the toy train operating forum. Suggest you post your comments on the HO scale forum here:

Also, suggest you not bother emailing a company to discuss your concerns of this magnitude, it’s probably a waste of time. Call them, or at the very least, send them a certified mail letter, specifying the problem and your requested solution.


I have seen only one Broadway limited locomotive run, and it ran well. It was a model of the 3751. The detail etc. looked great.

My only concern was the sound system:

First, it only chuffed twice per driver revolution (does not bother some, but is my pet peeve-it looks silly at low speed).

Second, the sound was not very impressive. I realize that the size of the speaker, speaker enclosure etc. is extremely small, but it was definitely not what I had expected (I am used to PS-2 and Railsounds).

Broadway Limited, as far as the sound quality goes, “Limited” seems to be quite appropriate…

HO sound systems are about 10 years behind O gauge sound systems in the level of quality that O gaugers have come to expect. Give them time …