Well, actually, I knew better. It’s not like I didn’t already have some Walthers cars, and I have struggled before with those tiny little wire grab irons.
However, I just could not pass up a deal. Recently, Walthers advertised their P-S 64-seat coaches for under $20.00. It was about $17.00 each if I recall correctly. Northern Pacific was one of the roads offered, and my ficticous division on the CB&Q operated through trains with either NP or GN. SO. Why not? A bargain is a bargain.
At first, I operated it without the grab irons as is the case with most of my Walthers cars. However, I have a new coach made by Rapido. It has grabs installed AND lighting installed. So I got a lighting kit for the Walthers coach. That way, I thought, the cars might look okay together in a train. Of course, the greens do not match, but no two manufactureres will match NP greens anyhow.
A couple of nights ago, I was inspired to install the grabs and the lighting kit on my walthers coach. Well, as I said, I had causes to know better.
About two frustrating hours later, I had two broken #80 drill bits and about 2/3 of the grabs installed. Crooked. Out of shape. But, installed nonetheless. I omitted the roof grabs thinking I did not want my screw-ups in plain sight.
Well, I didn’t want to spend the entire evening with grabs irons, and the hobby was becoming less of a relaxing endeaver. I decided to move on. Time for the lighting kit!
That’s when I found out about part number 17. The car has five #17’s in the roof which clip the roof to the car sides. Carefully, following directions, I only broke three of the five #17’s. The light bar, itself went into the car easily. Before re-installing the roof, I placed the car on a test track. Lights worked fine.
I re-installed the roof and put the car on the test track again. …rats! …lights would not work. Somehow, the electri