BTB 10 on-line

And I didn’t even know it until I went to approve BTB and review comments this a.m.

BTW the content is literally limited to what I have received recently. Expect to see the L&N Atlas O GP7, the MTH Rectifier/Tropicana set, and a new Syracuse Chiefs baseball club flatcar w/load in the near future.

Oh, BTB 11 will probably be humor-free, but 12 is going to be mighty close to Easter, and I already have some rabbit ears …

Hey Bob, That is a KILLER avatar!!! I LIKES it!!

That’s the shade my grandmother gets whenever she tries to dye her own hair…

I’ll confess to wearing a wig. The only problem is that Kent wants to turn it into scenery for the C&TT layout.

I don’t know about the avatar… I’ve seen guys dress like that and then show you they have nothing on underneath. YIKES![:O]

Whoa Marty, TMI :).

A classic edition. In years of watching 'em, never noticed what peeves Bob about the GG1. LOL

I think I know who that guy is. The detective, Guy something, on Prairie Home Companion. Knew it right off.

You’re right - Guy Noir…


Do you have a 2 way wrist radio?


… no, but my favorite quote from a Dick Tracy comic strip was “I’ve got a Tommy and it’s in a mood to bark!”