Hello Community… This is my first post and ask.
Introduction: My name a Carl and I’m a Board Director of the Central Terminal Restoration Corp. We are in the beginning of our rennovations of the Terminal and efforts to make it available year round for community and vendor events.
As many may already know, the building was stripped of Art Deco fixtures and panels prior to CTRC taking ownership.
My Ask: We are looking for pictures of the interior (color if possible) of the Concourse, Resturant, and Waiting Room - actually all 1st floor areas.
If you know of repositories Please Share them with me. I will get them to our architects. We have some of the original drawings but as they say: “A picture is worth a thousand words.”
Thanks for your time and assistance.
~ Carl
CTRC Board Director
howdy, i can’t help you directly but im sure someone here can.
Might i suggest a trip to Cleveland? The terminal Tower is of about the same era and does still have a fair bit of it’s original decor in the concourse area. Might at least give you inspiration.
[#welcome] aboard Carl!
The first thing I’d do is contact the main library for Buffalo NY. If the library has a archive section typically not available to the public (except by appointment) they may have just what you’re looking for.
There’s also the New York Central System Historical Society.
http://nycshs.org Contact them and see what they’ve got.
If, and it’s a big if, see if the architectural firm that designed the terminal is still in business. Drawings, photos, and such may still be in their corporate archives.
You can also try Morning Sun Books, http://www.morningsunbooks.com They have a book called “New York Central Facilities in Color.” I don’t know if the Buffalo Terminal is in it, but they have an extensive library of photographs of railroads and facilities. Possibly they’ve got something concerning the Buffalo Terminal.
You can also try contacting the editor of Classic Trains. There might be something in the Kalmbach Publications library that can help you.
E-mail editor@classictrainsmag.com
Good luck!
Thanks RR. While other starions may give us a possiblity. We are looking at what was historically in our building. ~ Carl
Thanks FL. The first two have been covered. I’ll give your last two suggestions a go. ~ Carl
I have personal access to some photos and records please PM me…In the meantime https://www.ironislandmuseum.com/ http://www.buffaloaerialpictures.com/ Check out the Movie “Marshall” which is the Biopic about Througood Marshall which if you FF there are some scenes from Buffalo Central Terminal…Also dont forget there there were 3 other HUGE train stations in Buffalo…Laccawanna,Lehigh Valley and NYCRR Exchange Street