Building a control panel for a new layout

This is the trackplan of the layout I just finished building. For reference, it’s in N scale. I want to build a control panel for the track switching, so I’m in the phase of designing the track diagram. Do you think I should have 2 control panels, one for the left and one on the right, and split the turnouts that are in the middle? I think if I just had one track diagram, it’d be too complex to understand, given it’s mainline is a giant loop. Looking for thoughts and opinions.

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How big is the actual layout? The grid is very faint, are they 6" or 1’ blocks? Something different?

Are you planning a lone wolf layout or will you have others operate with you?

Are you planning to run DC or DCC? May make a dirrerence to some folks responses. Willl you have hand held (teathered or wireless) control?

I’m in HO, my preference would be to have a mobil throttle or seperate throttle on each panel, facing the turnouts. I’d take a centerline on the upper wall and consider that the division point for which panel controlled the turnouts.

May get some answers with a little more information.

Good luck and stay ealthy,


Welcome to the forums!

I also do N Scale. My layout is smaller than yours, but I divided the control panel into three parts. I tried two, but even that was too complicated for my old mind.

When you have a chance, post some pictures of your progress. We all love pictures.

As I look at your track diagram, the turnouts are not particularly clustered together. It is clusters of turnouts such as track ladders that make control panels most useful.

Instead of one or two central control panels, why not just install toggle switches on the fascia along the entire route?


The layout is roughly 6’ x 8’. I think the grid is 6". Here’s yesterday’s progress

its a DCC controlled layout and everything is wired and working. I habe Caboose industries #224 ground throws for many of the switches and they are wired to switch the frog. My turnouts are all Peco code 55 snap switches. I’m not too fond of the ground throws as they look too big for the scale, so thats what was leading me to electric switches and a panel, plus that would give me some sort of indication of how they were thrown.

I can reach most comfortable but once scenery is on, some towards the back will be hard to reach. Just looking for ideas and recommendations.

Yes. My layout will have about the same amount of fascia as yours, and I expect to have 12-15 “panels” for the turnouts.
