Building a Hip Roof from Scratch

Figuring Pitch and Run from a not to scale drawing [banghead]

Figuring a 1 foot overhang on all four sides [banghead]

Figuring the size of all 4 roof panels when the building isn’t square [banghead]

My head hurts I’m gonna take a nap

Do you have a picture of the structure? If you do you can get one angle and copy.

There’s a really cheap tool that you use in construction for figuring angles. It looks like a square only there is a wing nut that allows it to fold up. If you get one pitch, then you can use this tool, by pushing it up against your first pitch, until the two sides are at the right angle. Then you tighten the wing-nut and use it to find the angle on your hip.


I don’t want to get too involved with an explanation 'cause your head will really hurt.

If you find the commom rafter (scale the desired pitch and draw the rafter/s to the ridge) I don’t want to get into calcs unless you want to. If you place 2 commom rafters to the ridge, the 3rd common rafter placed from the end of ridge to wall plate shows the end of the hip ridge. Do this for both end walls and you have the ridge length.

Ridge length is = Total building length minus building width. This works regardless of the roof pitch.

For model construction the hip rafters are better figured by measuring after your commons and ridge are positioned. By the time I tell you the pitch: to 17 calcs, you can have the 4 hip rafters cut and installed.

All the jack rafters should be measured and cut the same. Just keep in mind that your rafter centerlines O.C. need to carry for the jacks.

I hope I didn’t really confuse you now.

Yeah Chip I’ve seen those

Always wondered what they were for

A trip to your local Lumber may help also. I would recommend Lowes or Home Depot. If you go there look for a tool called a “speed sqaure” it is a metal triangle shaped toll try to find one with instructions. These are an excellent tool for use in this applcation designed to measure angles such as common rafters,hips,jack rafters…In the instructions you will find calculations for these angles and measurements. Work your calculations out at full scale and then convert to the ho scale.We in the building industry use this tool daily . It is one of the handiest tools available for rafters and angles and such. Make n o mistake Hip roofs are not the easiest roofs to build. First determine your pitch (angle) ,then measure in from your ends fro the starting point of the hip. Then install the main roof in the centeer,next install the hip rafters and finally install the jack rafters.After this is complete you are ready to install the sheathing/roof. I would also recommend brossing thru some framing books that you can find at the lumber yards also. This will you familiar with the terminolgy and names of the varouis members,and how it all fits together. Lastly buy extra material for the trial and error process that you will ultimately go thru.Good luck. If I can be of further assistance I will be more than willing to assist in any questions you may have.