Building My First Waterfall With A River

Hi Guys ,Im getting ready to build my first river with a small waterfall, And with the track im Thinking of using a truss bridge Any ideas about this or mistakes i should avoid when i get started? Its H.O scale

Thanks Much!

Check out the many threads here on modeling water. I have used the Woodland Scenics Realistic Water and the stuff they sell for moving water with some success. However for ponds, lakes and other still water scenes I will use Envirotex in the future after visiting some layouts and seeing how well it turned out. I think Joe Fugate has a thread on modeling realistic water… check it out it is a must read! Good luck with the project!

I am about to do the same. Much of what howmus has said is how I will experment. I also have found Sassi’s book on scenery to be helpful. I have read all the threads and have information overload at the moment. I think I will learn by trying. Good luck.

I have a “what I did” web article on using Woodland Scenics Realistic Water for rushing water at:

(Click image to enlarge)

Thank you if you visit

I’ve read over and over about Envirotex used for modeling water but have neve used it myself. One thing consistently warned is to use it in a well-ventilated space. Well, most layouts (including mine currently in the planning stage) are built in basements and I’ve yet to encounter a well-ventilated basement! So how do you deal with the stuff?


I have two rather large waterfalls on my new layout and struggled with how to make them look realistic. Since both fall 6-8", most of the products would not suspend, but pour over the edge and pool at the bottom. Not what I was looking for. I came across the idea (from whom I don’t remember) of using clear silicone caulking for the falls. Although stinky, it worked very well and I used it for the rapids as well, it is flexible when wet, yet thick and sticky enough to form the falls and after hardening takes paint well.
good luck

I have heard that using Angel Hair forms a good base for the falls, then pour whatever water product you are using down it slowly. This allows some fine streams of water as they cascade down the falls.

I used angel hair years ago. It was fair but easy. I just did a small falls with clear acrylic caulk squezed out on a shinny surface. When it was dry I peeled off the strings and piled on the rock face. It too is fair and easy.