You’re right about the lighting. Adequate for construction only. I’ll be addining some non-permanent room dividers, and may be able to mount additional lighting on those. The benchwork against walls won’t be a problem, because I can attach lighting to the top of the backdrops. The free standing peninsulas, though, will require more thought.
[#oops] Mark, I am embarrassed to confess that this is the first time I have noticed your thread. [:$] I can’t believe it, but…what can I say? [:'(]
…except for WOW!! You do things in a big way. First that iconic helix years ago, and now all this. And what a space. The last image indicates that you have not lost your ability laying track that looks properly laid out. And I see what I think must be Fast Tracks turnouts. If you haven’t used them previously, I think you’ll soon be an ardent fan.
I’ll keep watching, but I have to march myself to the guardhouse and turn myself in for the night. [sigh]
I’ve been spending most of the last few months on the Laurel engine terminal. The 130’ turntable is in, along with the roundhouse floor (12 stall roundhouse) and most of the tracks. I still have two of the three leads to install, but all the radial tracks are in. Here’s a shot of the roundhouse area as I was installing tracks:
In this somewhat more recent overall photo, all the roundhouse tracks are in place:
I had a work session a few weeks ago. A couple of the guys helped finish wiring the roundhouse tracks. We also installed some 120V outlets around the layout edge, and finished this connecting benchwork from the Laurel peninsula (far end from the engine terminal) to the benchwork along the wall:
That connector is temporary, as it will be replaced with a lift-out when I get the wall and door installed. That’s slated for sometime in the future - I have no idea when.
Meanwhile, I’ve (barely) started building the roundhouse for Laurel, and am pushing subroadbed and, shortly, track out of Laurel yard and across the connector.
I will be interested to see your lift-out bridge, Mark. Meanwhile, what you show appears to be good solid workmanship. I’m still envios of the space, too, even the space around your large turntable and roundhouse.