I’m trying to get recommendations for two things:
Burlington Rouge decals that go on the stainless steel Budd cars. Simply say “BURLINGTON” up top and “Silver Dorkus” and a bunch of other stuff down at the bottom.
Trucks for said cars, preferably with the coupler arm installed already that will also do electrical pickup.
Thanks tons, in advance.
I see you are a new forum member … [#welcome] ! ! !
!. … Microscale sells the decals you want.
- … I can’t asnwer becasue I do not want couplers mounted on the trucks. I suggest you avoid that because couplers can jiggle up and down and uncouple while train is running.
Hi, Welcome aboard! [#welcome]
Always glad to see passenger rail topcs. Questions: What brand / type of passenger cars do you have? Can you post photos?