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Business group to subsidize transit fares
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Business group to subsidize transit fares
“It is run fare-free because it was believed the cost of collecting fares would be greater than potential revenue”
When has THAT ever stopped these money-pit boondoggles?
That’s close to a whole dime per person for what I’d guess the population of Tacoma to be.
Tacoma only has one line and it’s less than 2 miles long, so it’s easy to run it as a fare-free line. Sort of like the privately owned line in Fort Worth TX circa-1970 which was also free and which connected huge parking lots with downtown.
Mel & Mo- You must excercise patience. All Trains readers have a right to post on this forum, and not all railfans are friends of passenger-rail, that’s for sure. I learned that lesson a long time ago.
Encouraging people to forsake the automobile is a noble cause. It will benefit the air quality and for those people who can’t benefit from transit on account of their job or home location these drivers will enjoy less crowded roads. Obviously you HATE passenger rail, don’t you Matthew Nichols. Why do you bother to post your trash on this forum? You are no better than Jeffery Guse.
Business subsidization works well on the central city portion of Pittsburgh, PA’s light rail system. Those 1.9 mi. operate fare-free. It’s popular with people who park across the Allegheny River and ride to downtown jobs, avoiding higher downtown parking fees. Workers also ride from downtown to the north side for lunch, students and others coming into the central city avoid the cost of a transfer, etc. No luck yet getting businesses at Station Sq., a popular tourist area, to extend the free-fare zone another 0.5 mi.
I have my right to post the way I see it, Mr. Salters. These individuals are too blinded by ideology that they fail to see the benefits of passenger rail