I Read in trains one that their was a C&NW Presidnet that had a Business Car then when he died he had a Ghost in His Car? Does Any one know who this guy was, when this happened in and Does the Car still have the Ghost?
The CNW president was James Wolfe who died from cancer, I believe in the early or mid 1980s. I remember the article, too.
I don’t remember the name of the business car. The UP still has some of the CNW business cars but I don’t know if they still have this car that is/was supposedly haunted.
I recall the article said the steward/cook on the car saying the ghost appeared to him and said or indicated he was hungry and the steward prepared him a meal.
The president of the Montreal, Maine and Atlatic Railroad worked for the CNW and obtained all of the cars for the road’s Executive Business Train. Can’t remember his name - Bob G-something - most recently worked for the Wisconsin Central then moved over to the job in Maine. He’d know all about Mr. Wolfe’s car, and its number. Also, there is a former CNW business car operating on the Adirondack Schenic Railway in upstate New York.