How about those of you calling Canada home adding a “N” to your location so those of us South of the border will know you’re not in California?
Bob Hayes
How about those of you calling Canada home adding a “N” to your location so those of us South of the border will know you’re not in California?
Bob Hayes
How about not using the abbreviation without a town in the same sentence I thought you had a question about Cyanoacrylate adhesive.
Maybe one of the regions could use the abbreviation “ACC”.
My initials are CA, gee I see where there could be a lot of confusion.
Canada? Isn’t that a state up north somewhere?
I think my location is pretty clear! [:D]
I doubt if “Atlantic Can” would help.
Bob Boudreau
how about the california guys use CAL ?
Was thinking the same thing myself! [(-D]
Or: Kali-fornia, Thank you Arnold.
Actually, we Californians used to use CAL (and a lot of us still do so), until the US Post Office stepped in with their two-letter initials (evidently they don’t trust us to be able to count to three, anymore). I’ve always thought three initials to designate a state or a country was a lot clearer to the average person than two. I remember the fun we had right at first, trying to figure out the difference between Arkansas and Alaska, Michigan and Mississippi, Nebraska and Nevada–heck, even Austria and Australia–you get the point. It’s not so much our nifty neighbor to the north as it is whatever Postmaster General came up with the crazy idea in the first place.
Tom [:D]
No, Mark, we’re just a big PROVINCE way up north. [:D] Get with the program!
Canada…California…whatever…i’m in TX and everything is big in Texas except the states around it…[:D]…chuck
I live in New York, How would you abbreviate that in 3 letters, Ney? Nyo?
Eleven most scary words in the english language…Hi there, I’m from the goverment and I’m here to help!!!
I gave up on that distinction a few months ago, started using BC (and that is not the Baha Coast [8D])
That won’t work, the ACC (Air Canada Center) is the home of the Toronto Maple Leafs.
Okay, how about CF for CA(USA), and CA for CA(CAN)?
It doesn’t matter which way you cut it! Someone will still be in deep Ca Ca.
I’m quite sure there is an International protocol that will tell you that National distinctions will take precedent over regional designations. Besides, I’m quite sure there’s enough Canadians living in Cal that we may one day take it over just like Florida!![oX)]
Oops did I say that!?!
Remember if it’s spelt with an “our” (harbour) or a “z” not an “S” then chancesare it’s a Canadian swinging the keys!
I’ve never used CA for Canada, I use Canada. I also use Alta. for Alberta( not AB) I thought CA meant CHINA.
The Post Office was the first to push us regulair citizens in the USA to use the two letter abreveations but computers were the cause. To enter adresses into a data base there had to be a standard. Back in the day, memory was expensive and computers were dumber than they are now. If they went with 3 letters, to let California remain CAL the the stupid machines could not tell NY from NY If we had stayed with 3 letters the machines of the time still would have confused Cal and CAL. To a machine small and large case letters are compleatly different things.
I would not even have thought of any of that but my 25 year old step daughter just asked why wasn’t there any video of her as a baby. I wonder what everyday item her kids will be asking about in 25 years.