Caboose Hobbies Closing?/Moving?

What is a World Series?

It is what causes your heartache and disappointment.

My father suffered from the same thing. Why, I remember as a youngster when I saw him watching the radio…

Something the White Sox have won! Go Sox![:D]

Also I never made to Caboose Hobbies but I sure as @$%@#$ want to! So make it so!

Go Cubbies! [2c]

Despite the nay-saying, I’m inclined to tkae caboose Hobbies at their word at this point. I read where the reason given for the move is that the owner wants to tear down the building.

This might make sense.

I don’t know much about the location or Denver itself, but a lot of urban cities are growing in population yet running out of real estate. The only solution is to go “up”. It may simply be a situation where the ground under that old building can be put to a better use than what it has been for years. Tearing down the building and replacing it with, say, a 20 story apartment building certainly would allow that ground to generate more revenue than a hobby shop could pay.

We’ll see if CH moves to another brick and mortar location, but wanting to tear down an older retail building to redeploy the ground under it for a better use is something that is happening all over urban America these days.

Hello all,

In that are of Denver the Recreational Marijuana industry has taken over. (I’m not trying to make a moral statement, just a statement of fact.)

As has been speculated in other posts, that same square footage could bring in more money (and taxes) as a dispensary than a hobby shop.

If this same situation was a national brand coffee shop moving, forcing out the same business, in I would still be saddened by the chainging times.

Hope this helps.

I know exactly what happened. If the owner of the property did indeed sell it. The landlord can make a huge amount of money. The Denver real estate market right now is off the charts. Landlord are selling properties for huge proffits.

Same thing with housing, nobody can afford to pay rent anymore. I know because I recently had to move because the landlord sold the house. Now I’m paying a whopping $1700 /mo. for a small sized house with no basement.

Its crazy here in Denver right now. 750,000 people moved here just in the last year.

Yeah. Its the same in a lot of places. Its like everybody got burned back during the housing bubble and didn’t want anything to do with buying real estate, or couldn’t because they were upside down for long time.

But population keeps expanding nevertheless and demand has finally caught up to or exceeded supply.

Especially in areas or neighborhoods that have become hot or trendy.

I just hope the new location has that beautiful mural of the locomotive crashing out of the building into the parking lot!!!

I lived just south of Denver in Castle Pines just down I-25. Went there at least once a week for 10 years…

That’s where I moved from when I moved to Northern California. My wife once gave me a $1000 gift certificate for there one Christmas!!! Man, I had a blast!!!


I have purchased their better ground throw kits with switch stand and found their product superb and will continue to favor them with my business.

One caboose is not like the other caboose [:D]

Or the retail hobby shop:

Yes, you are right about the switch machines, though. Great products!


[quote user=“vsmith”]
Well… there website has a flier for a “Transition Sale”. That to me says they will be moving, where and when is undetermined, and that they are discounting stock to make the move easier. Hopefully, maybe you should give them a call and ask them directly

I agree… when Mizell’s Trains when “out-of-business” they said just that; “we are going out-of business!” I’m sure (hope) Caboose can find a new local. Good Luck CH!

Story from today.

“…Miller wants to emphasize that the store is not closing; however, the next stop remains unknown…”

So no new news then?

There are already several topics discussing this and that was posted already in one of the others.

Merges take too long. Anyway, LION never got to visit there. We are only a few states north of Denver, but the only time I have been there was to change planes.


Looks to me like they’ll follow the path MB Klein’s did years ago (move to a warehouse facility with a retail sales area). Worked out really well for MBK, and I don’t see why it shouldn’t for Caboose as well.

I remain skeptical. The fact that the owner states that “the next stop is unknown” and “looking around to see how to run this place in a different way” tells me that CH may not open another retail store.


But, of course, it won’t be the same.

Threads merged.