CADD Programs - Your recommendations.

Let me preface this post by saying, I’m looking for a good and cheap CADD program. I have a 14 year old, 16bit AutoCADD Lite program that doesn’t work with the new 32bit operating systems and the new AutoCADD Lite program is selling for over $600 in some stores.

Does anyone use a CADD program that they like and is cheap?

I use the RR TRACK program for layout designs, but I want a program to draw benchwork, bridges and buildings. Let’s keep the cost under $150.

Cheers [8D]

May I suggest you give this a look, Several years ago I purchased this program. I still have it, but don’t use it. I just didn’t figure out how to use it with any success. It does fit your price category.

Buckeye, email me and I can send you a copy of a CADD program if you would like it.

You may want to check at the local college bookstore. I believe you can purchase student versions of AutoCAD LT for about $100.

Or check ebay for the next to last released version at deep discount. AutoCAD LT 2000 and 2004 go for about $150.

Thanks a bunch. Some real good ideas, especially the one about the bookstores and since I live near one of the biggest universities in the world and my wife gets a discount because she is a teacher…well let’s see what happens.

jimdevleerjr, thanks for the offer, but if I can get AutoCADD LT for a reasonable price, I have been extensively trained to use that program. It’s the old dog, and new tricks thing. [:)]

Thanks again everyone. [:)]

Go to Ebay and pick up a copy of Turbocad 7, it does all the things Autocad does and only goes for about $13.00.
Hope that Helps

Turbocad is a great program. You can get version 10 Turbocad Delux for $129.95 on their website:

I looked at the TurboCAD program and yes, I think it will do just what I want and I like the idea about buying it on EBAY. I works much like old versions of AutoCADD. (Needless to say I learned on VER 2 in 1986 on a green screen. I thought I went to CADD heaven when they invented color CADD. Did anyone else ever use a pen type stylus and draw directly on the screen?)

Well Buckeye,

Your making me feel old. I first learned cad in 84 before autocad was out. And I also started with autocad in 86 with Rel 2.0

See we are old farts.


Did you have one of those green screens where you drew on the screen or were you fortunate enough to have a digitizer tablet?

Remember the old pen plotters that were a real pain in the rear.

In fact, the first CADD system that I was exposed to was called AutoTrol. It was huge and cumbersome and when the PC’s showed up in the 80’s it was toast.

I was lucky, I had the digitizer tablet. The first system was called Anvil 4000. It was a main frame system that we bought time share from. I belive it also had a digitizer tablet.


ATLAS the modelralroad company has a free download of a model railroad software program at[(-D]