Cajon Pass WARNING for Visitors!

You may want to stay away from Cajon Pass (CA) for a while!

The Highway 138 bridge over I-15 is being replaced (or resurfaced, and I’m not sure which) and everything is a total mess. Presently, the I-15 northbound on and off ramps at Highway 138 are closed, which will drastically reduce your railfan options!

And the I-15 Freeway at the top of Cajon Pass is having construction too, for miles northward! So, stay away from Cajon Pass if you can. Trust me as a rather local! Things are a mess and will be that way for months! It will disrupt and ruin a railfan photo outing!

You should be OK from Cleghorn Road south …

On the evening of Wednesday, August 23, 2023, my wife reported to me the northbound I-15 on and off ramps at Highway 138 were open, unlike when this forum contributor had passed there several days earlier, which passing and closed / barricaded ramps had inspired this thread. She also reported she successfully went over the freeway bridge on Highway 138.

SO, I’m wiping my hands from further posts on this thread. Forum participants should be advised there are unknown and mysterious constructions involving I-15 and Highway 138, and the Caltrans website is not informative like it was before, and one should expect anything!

Enjoy your train watching! Cajon Pass is a great place that has a whole bunch of trains passing through! I’m an old timer in Cajon Pass, and it absolutely amazes me how many trains one can see there now!