California Zephyr hit milk tanker in Colorado

You could quit driviing?

I see too many people driving with their blinkers on - full time, to believe the blinker UNTIL I see them take actions to SHOW they actually are going to do what the blinker is indicating. Especially, if the blinker is indicating that they INTEND to turn into the road I am on and intend to move from.

My father taught me that blinkers only show ‘intent’ – not resolve.

You watch the angle of the front wheels to decide if they’re getting ready to turn. And you never, EVER pass a loaded dump truck on the right.

Darn kids and their rock and roll music!

This company appears to be building on PTC for MOW and crossing safety. The goal of a lower-cost / easier to deploy system would be ideal. Even better if it could alert in-dash or remote navigation systems in cars and trucks.

This has more to do with Ralph Nader and the improvement in safety of the automobile as well as the whole freeway system has been re-engineered several times over to improve flow and reduce accidents. They are going around the country even now and redoing all the freeway on ramps and off ramps to be higher capacity as well as safer.

Getting a Drivers License in the United States is sooooo easy compared with other country’s a fact brought home to me when I had to study for and take the German Drivers License test. I passed the first time because I studied for it but a lot of Americans fail that test and the failure rate is fairly high. I would rate it higher in difficulty than a CDL test. I know Americans do not like to be told they are not as strict in some areas of safety versus the rest of the world but it’s a fact. I said in some areas not all areas.

I’ve been guilty of that (unfortunately), but generally on expressways and almost always because the road noise covers the sound of the blinker. I rarely listen to the radio when I’m driving.

When possible I use the “lane change” option on the signals - but that only flashes three times on my truck.

If you had not noticed, BNSF and Amtrak (w/ a contractual assist from UP) have now filed a lawsuit against the truck driver and the milk cooperative that owned the truck.

Along with the flying pig-feathers, I might see some questions answered, including under whose authority the stop sign was placed.

Warming up the Chad Thomas popcorn popper.

Too many use blinkers to ask the question - Mother may I?

If you haven’t decided what you are actually going to do - don’t use blinkers for 40 seconds.

Both my GM cars give an audible and visual warning if turn signal on for more than 1/2 mile. Only way to continue signal is to turn turn signal off then back on.

Must be a pain when you want to make a left turn at some of the traffic signals with 2 and 3 minute or longer cycle times.

My car makes turning the steering wheel a little more difficult if I do not use my blinker on the freeway for a lane change and then it vibrates the steering wheel if I overcome the resistance with force. I have a lane positioning chime if my lane position is erratic based on recent history.

Make sure you have plenty of this on hand…

Both my GM cars give an audible and visual warning if turn signal on for more than 1/2 mile. Only way to continue signal is to turn turn signal off then back on.

Had a brain fart . Only way to continue signal is to turn turn signal off then back on.

Corrected my original post.

Everything I have driven or rented with ‘lane assist’ momentarily disables both the centering and the ‘feedback’ when the appropriate turn signal has been engaged for a lane change (including a ‘sweep’ of multiple lanes or other camera-sensed ‘terrain’). This seems fully intuitive to me.

What was not quite as intuitive was the input to earlier rear-wheel-steering systems like those on the Japanese Soarers or QuadraSteer on GM trucks. Sometimes these would ‘helpfully’ allow four-wheel crabbing, B-52-style, for lane changes, which can be hard to distinguish if turn signals aren’t used.

Any and every car I have driven with the turn-signal ‘left-on alarm’ does not cancel the signals when the ‘binging’ starts. On the other hand I have had a number of cars that have a ‘run length limited’ signal (Hyundai Sonatas would let you set the number of ‘blinks’ between 3 and 7 for each time you pressed the stalk; Mercedes restricted it to 3 and does not have a detent to keep the turn signals on in the first place). Nothing I have ever driven cancels the blinking but keeps a warning tone sounding that your turn signals haven’t cancelled in a turn or were left on. It would, to me, make very little sense and be unsafe to do so.

It’s not as bad as it was about fifty years ago, but I used to say that the flashing turn signal meant that the driver accidentally bumped the turn signal stalk the last time he reached for another beer.