camas pairre railroad

does anyone have any info on this railroad current operations and if trains still go down to granger idaho

The Great Northwest Railroad has the line to Lewiston.

Bountiful Grain & Craig Mountain Railroad have been trying to run from Lewiston towards Grangeville.
Futuremodal lives there ( Lewiston or Moscow ? ) and should know what is going on now.

wow things have changed

Wait, I think BG&CM might have a website. I’ll run down and see if it’s on their card…

…nah, it’s just an email address.

Anyway, as Dale stated, WATCO runs the Great Northwestern Railroad from Riparia/Ayer Junction on the UP Washy line to Lewiston. BG&CM runs the 1st, part of the 2nd, and may start running the 3rd sub of the ex-Camas Prairie east of Lewiston. The 2nd sub is the one that ran up to Grangeville, now the rails end at Cottonwood 15 miles northwest of Grangeville, and actual trains only run up to Culdesac about 20 miles from Lewiston. It is the 1st sub that is running regular service all the way to Kooskia, mostly lumber and grain. The 4th sub was approved for abandonment but is now being looked at to run log trains from the Jaype area to the Lewiston mill (although I’ll believe it when I see it).

What’s interesting is that WATCO now runs the trains on the PCC (whose trackage is now owned by the State of Washington) just north of the GNW. At one time it was possible to connect (and thus combine) the two systems either via the truncated Moscow to Arrow segment of BN’s nee-NP’s Spokane to Lewiston line, and also UP’s LaCrosse to Riparia grade. Now both are gone, although I believe WATCO has been running trains from Hooper Junction past Ayer to Wallula with some of those State of Washington grain shuttles.

Ayer Turn leaves Lewiston late morning/noonish Sunday-Friday, works at UP’s Ayer Yard, then leaves Ayer late afternoon/early evening. May work along the way at places like Central Ferry. Usually meets up with BNSF’s Low Line local at Ayer to interchange cars. Low Line comes out of Tri Cities area and runs on UP trackage to Ayer. Kooskia Turn has been spotty. Used to run Tuesday and Thursday out of Lewiston, but slow orders imposed last year were making it into an out one day/ back the next ordeal in most cases. Don’t know if it’s still that way. As stated previously, the BG&CM works the north end of the Grangeville (now Cottonwood) branch, especially peas out of Lapwai. And near-constant switching jobs at East Lewiston Yard, Potlatch mill, and nearby industries.