Contrary to another posting by a well-meaning individual:
While Camas Prairie RailNet did file three years ago to abandon the Second Subdivision between Spalding and Grangevillle, and the STB approved the request, the Second Subdivision is still mostly intact, as is the First Sub between between Orofino and Kooskia and the Third Sub between Lewiston and Ayer.
In December 2002, salvage gangs began preparing for removal of rail this spring. However, in late December 2002-mid January 2003, a buyer stepped forward to acquire the Second Sub between Spalding and Cottonwood, Idaho. So, Lawyers Creek Viaduct, Halfmoon Trestle et al. will remain intact for the time being and grain trains will be running off the Second Sub to Lewiston come harvest. The only rails that have been removed are between Grangeville and Cottonwood, as well as a good chunk of the Fourth Sub; the latter was done many years ago when the mill at Jaype closed.
A daily-except-Saturday turn still runs between Lewiston and Ayer, where the CSP interchanges with BNSF and UP. Most of the traffic is paper products from the Potlatch mill is Lewiston.
Paul Schmidt
Trains Magazine